Welcome Matt and Sarah to the Aviva Family

Introducing the newest Aviva Ambassadors, Matt Brown and Sarah Clare Brown of My Fathers Barber and She is Not Your Rehab (SINYR).

How does Money Play a Role in Family Violence?

This post is a guest blog from one of our brilliant partners, The Good Shepherd. Economic abuse is considered to be a form of psychological harm in the Family Violence Act, but stretches way beyond the mind, into the realm of everyday life, for many families.

A Violence Free Aotearoa

Aviva passionately believes that the people of Aotearoa New Zealand can live free from violence and that we can achieve this together. We can all play a part. We are all part of the solution.
So where do we start?

The Practicality of Domestic Violence Leave

The New Zealand Government has adopted the Domestic Violence Victims’ Protection Act in response to the country’s staggering family violence statistics. This act has been praised by news media and family violence agencies alike, but what does it actually mean for employers and their employees affected by violence?

Nicola Says Farewell After 8 Years of Leadership and Innovation

Nicola Woodward has led Aviva since 2011, formerly as CEO and most recently as Director of Strategy and Innovation. She will leave us after eight years of service to the agency and the communities we support.

Motivating Families to Reach Their Full Potential

After years of work in alcohol and drug counselling, facilitating restorative justice, and working as a private consultant for family violence, Nicky has brought his talents to Aviva.